Salon: Jane Wildgoose and Sacha Golob in Collaboration with TCCE
Jane Wildgooose
Artist Jane Wildgoose and philosopher Sacha Golob discuss the concept and development of contemporary artistic practice, and some of the central themes of Jane’s work, in particular the ideas of memory, narrative and imagination. The full event was recorded, and can be heard here:
Jane Wildgoose works across a wide range of disciplines exploring the values, narratives, and memories that become attached to remains of all kinds. Whether devising complex cabinets and installations combining hundreds of museum objects with specially devised handicrafts; researching, writing and designing a medical/musical performance based on a curious piece of Baroque music describing surgery to remove stones from the body; or co-devising a broadcast for BBC Radio examining a hair from the head of Horatio Nelson bought on eBay, Wildgoose's appraisals of the past are transported into the present with a strong appeal to the senses and the imagination, underpinned by detailed research and thorough knowledge of the history of collecting. This salon event was organised in collaboration with TCCE, The Culture Capital Exchange.